Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 7: Computer-mediated Communication

This topic is extremely relevant to such times as surely everybody uses this means of communication at least once.
However, there can even be generation gaps when using CMC. I remember once looking at my younger cousin's blog (she's 13) and i could hardly understand what she had posted. Our manager at work also complains when we send him sms-es which he couldn't understand. For example, when he asked whether this particular colleague could extend her working time, the reply he got through sms was "cn". At this point, he passed me the phone as asked if is was 'can' or 'cannot'. But i really couldn't decipher that so eventually he still had to call my colleague to confirm. That was really amusing.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I agree... 'CN' is an ambiguous term for a reply!! I wonder what your colleague's answer was in the end!!

    But I think it is a really brilliant idea to use 'cn' when you are forced to give a yes answer but you really want to say no... =P

    "Would you be able to make it down on Sunday tomorrow to help out with a school event for free and no cca points and no particular purpose?"

