Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 5: Spoken Discourse

Spoken discourse = combining a number of speech events (??)
i do understand how a telephone conversation can be spoken discourse. if it is made up of several speech events, does this mean that summon, answer and recognition are three different speech events? the phone openings are interesting enough to study across different cultures. it really reflects the differences. upon reflecting, my phone openings between friends and strangers are also really different. to friends: "what!?!" at work, i would just pause and wait for the caller to state his business.
R: Hello, Tully's coffee, Mag speaking.
(pause while waiting for caller to state his/her purpose of calling)
C: (reason for calling, eg: place order or looking for someone else)

I also realize that they often do not identify themselves if i do not ask. that's the singapore culture i guess.

1 comment:

  1. Spoken discourse can be a more fluid type of speech event with more extended interactional sequences. Hope this clarifies a bit.
